In a portrait of the pretty gross Whole Foods founder, John Mackey, in last week’s New Yorker, Nick Paumgarten made this side-comment:
[His ideological stance] derives in large part from a tendency, common among smart people, to presume that everyone in the world either does or should think as he does – to take for granted that people can (or want to) strike his patented balance of enlightenment and self-interest. […] In other words, because he runs a business a certain way, others will, can and should […]Now, I’m no idealogue, and it’s easy to distinguish my views from Makey's: he’s anti-union, anti-health care, and clearly cocky. But, couldn’t the statement above apply to you? It does to me. I do tend to think I’m right and as I develop myself, I do tend to want people to change in the way I’m changing, to grow in the way that I’m growing. If I really think about it, my conception of diversity is really not all that diverse.
Prey tell, how are you supposed to allow – with equanimity - other people's views just to exist? I’m talking about obviously stupid ways of looking things – say, Republican. And I’m also talking about minor differences - say, an artist’s sensibility.
In a recent Art:21 episode, Jeff Koons, in a string of packaged comments had this to say:
Objects are metaphors for people. It always turns out to be about others. It’s not about accepting that object, high-low culture, it’s about the acceptance of others.Well, quite frankly, I have a hard time doing that.
OK, let me try.
Puppy topiary is a person. I accept that person.
Tea, anyone?
Molly Molly Molly, It's your honesty that keeps me reading your blog. You always call it the way you see it, and you seem to see it clearly. We may differ on certain issues, but this one is close to my heart.
Anyway, before you get too het up over it, remember that, often, those people who are involved in sales (as in salesmen, think: used-car, a bill of goods, Ponzi scheme, bond-trader) can be very undiscriminating. It's how they make their living.
Agreed.And thanks.
I have to think about all this a bit more. More soon...
your right , and this imaturity as his , is very exausting .
by the way , to have discovered your blog this saturday afternoon was a wonderful surprise !!
Welcome, Caio. And thanks for reading.
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