(Crowd shot from the opening of Out of Line)
Some people say, “Fantastic!”, “Love the work!”, “Like the direction you’re going in!”, “Cohesive show!”. But what I dwell on, what I stick to, is the negative. And it’s not even that negative. It’s just not positive, it’s lukewarm, like, “I generally liked it,” or “that’s not my favorite piece.” It might even just be the nebulous “Congratulations.” Then I start feeling my thyroids swell, as if someone were holding me by my neck up against a wall. I’m convinced I’ve done something wrong. Something very, very wrong. And that that one nonplussed comment means the whole endeavor is a bust. That I am a bust. I could spend my whole life trying to change that opinion.
But I digress. Showing art in public is a risk. You don’t show yourself perfectly and therefore you are vulnerable. In front of everybody. But you’ve also made a move, staked a position that can make an impression on a few others, and of course on your own self. I have to say, so far, all in all, this time around, it has been really quite heartwarming.
Well, nothings's perfect, but some things are very good. I thought the show was beautifully installed, with a feeling of elegant restraint, which left me wanting to know more about these artists' work. Your work reads much better in the real than in jpegs, especially the colored piece, so that was a treat. I liked the moments of red that answered each other in Carin's & Elana's work. Given that the space was so small, you packed a lot in, but it didn't feel crowded. And the neon was a nice foil to the chalk on tarpaper.
Plus, you must have a very large mailing list, because the place was mobbed, and I ran into two people I know who I haven't seen in a long time! Again, congratulations.
This is just great great to read, Lady Xoc. Thanks! And I was so happy to meet you as Agnes.
Best and more soon, MS
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