The thing about gallerists – maybe even curators? – I think you have to tell them how great it’s going to be. I think you have to explain exactly what it’s going to look like, what you think it means, how it’s unique. You got to sell it, baby! Because, in the end, they may not actually trust it unless you get excited.
This I hate to do so much. I want an agent.
I’m figuring this out only after an extremely disappointing studio visit last week. I’m actually writing a follow up to said gallerist where I sound like a car dealer. I’ll keep you posted.
Some of the nonprofits noted that the increase came at an especially inopportune time for fund-raising. “Foundation giving is tied to a foundation’s stock portfolio,” said Jeffrey Lependorf, the executive director of the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses, a tenant since 1991. “To find new money in this terrible economic climate will make this very difficult. We need time so we aren’t forced out and made homeless.”
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October 15, 2008 at 01:23 PM in Art of Advertising, Current Affairs, Futures, NYC_Deathwatch, Protest, Public Art | Permalink
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Bad Liver Function?
Here's what you can do about it. Backed by over 300 clinical trials.
Posted by: Joan Collins | October 15, 2008 at 03:24 PM
I came calling for you...
have we not always been together
Just have someone call your while you are meeting with them. Then say, "I can't sell ALL of them. I'm looking into a show!". Worth a shot.
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